Content Marketing

What The Eff Is A Target Market And How To You Find Yours


When I have a virtual or in-person consultation about someone’s digital marketing needs, one of the first questions that I ask that potential client is, “Who is your target?”

A lot of the times the answer is, “ Well everyone and anyone that would wants to get high or use a CBD product. “


The internet is a big place and the markets are becoming saturated with more cannabis and CBD products and sellers every day. I’m sorry to say but not everyone and anyone is your brands target market. Those are just the cold hard facts.

I know what you’re thinking right now, “Well then, what the actual eff is a Target Market and how do I figure out who my market actually is?”

The dictionary definition of Target Market is as follows "A particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed."

What a generic and simple thing right? It must just involve figuring out some simple demographics about the people I want to consume this product or use this service.

A target market is so much more than some simple demographics of 22-36-year-olds, dual income, no kids, in the city where you’re located. You need to actually figure out, what these people like to do, where are they hanging out, what makes them tick, and what problem do they have that your brand can fix? Answering each of these questions plus a few more will help you create actual depth to the group of people you are trying to reach.

Once you’ve sat down, thought about and identified this group of people you can begin to talk to them through your posting and engaging by using the language they are also using. You can begin paying attention to the trends and topics that they are following and portray your content in a way that appeals to them and causes them to stop their scroll and read what you are actually talking about under your photo. Taking the time to research how your target moves, thinks and speaks through the world is going to help you stand out in a saturated market, sell more and sell it faster.

Identifying your target will also help when you are ready to outsource to someone like me by being able to tell me who we are talking too because I don’t want to cost you more money by creating content and talking to a group of people that we aren’t even targeting.